More YouTube, Anyone?

As you may be able to tell from the title, I’ve been making more effort lately to explore YouTube and filming video. Let me get this out of the way: I’m not trying to become a “YouTuber” and I don’t plan on making any sort of living from it. Rather, I feel that experimenting with video will help me become a better photographer and story-teller, as well as becoming more versatile in building new skills. Not to mention, there’s a different kind of nostalgia in watching old videos. Looking at old photos is one thing, but watching videos is another. Granted, I know not all my videos will be the nostalgic type, as most of them lately have been walk-throughs or DIY and camper projects. But all are moments in time and things I’ve done in my life, and I’d like to think I might enjoy watching even my old DIY videos one day. And if I end up helping other people out along the way with my resources, all the better.

My goal is to post weekly videos, which should be no problem with how busy I keep myself. I’m figuring out my channel as I go. As far as content, it’s going to be whatever I want it to be. It won’t be one specific category, and will surely evolve as I go. Being winter in the northwest with short days and crummy weather, I expect most of my coming videos will be crafty indoor things and more camper mods. Hopefully I can manage a video or two of some winter camping or snow trips, but I’m not going to force it. After all, right now this is for me and my own experimentation. All I can say is I’m excited to improve and see what I can create along the way.

Thanks for reading and keeping up to date with what we’ve got going on. If you want to support us and the channel, go check it out and give a look. If you like what you see, do the thing and like, comment, subscribe, etc. ‘Till next time.