Kaylee's 30th and More!

Well it’s official. We’re both 30 and getting old…

At lease that’s what we both think from time to time. Especially those times when we laugh about how we would so much rather be in bed by 8pm on a Friday with plans to sleep for 12+ hours, instead of the olden days of partying till 2am. But you know what? People change and we’re thriving in the life we’re living!

So to celebrate Kaylee’s big three-oh, we made reservations at the Old Alcohol Plant Inn. I decided to book an upgraded package, which included a large room fully equipped with old school skylight and fireplace, and also a $50 credit toward dinner in the hotel restaurant, Spirits Bar and Grill. Oh, and also special chocolates and champagne or sparkling juice in the room. What a treat!

In true February birthday fashion, the weather was gray and rainy and the temps were in the mid-40s. Right about where it always is for Kaylee’s birthdays. That being said, the goal for these birthdays is usually just to relax, have some good meals, and keep it cool as a cucumber. We arrived at the hotel around 5pm and checked in, and once unpacked, Kaylee decided on a quick pre-dinner nap. This gave me good opportunity to walk the property and take in the unique aspects of the ole place. Among my favorite features were the year-round gardens which cater to Spirits’ seasonal menus, and also the awesome handmade copper gutters. Sounds funny, but you’d have to see them to know what I’m talking about.

Dinner that night was great. We started with bacon and vinaigrette calamari, followed by pasta primavera and mushroom risotto, and finished with a creme brûlée for dessert. The restaurant was understaffed so things took a little longer, but the staff was very apologetic and accommodating. In fact they bought me a shot and comped our dessert. Personally, I’m always willing to wait a little longer if it means a good deal like that! With dinner done by 8, we were back in the room and in sleep by 8:30. One of us…me…was asleep by no later than 9. What did I say earlier about being excited for early bedtimes now that I’m 30?

The next morning was slow, but calm and easy. We grabbed breakfast in Chimacum on our way back home and meandered back through a windstorm and blocked roads to settle down for the end of the weekend. No better way to end a good birthday weekend in my mind than back-to-back episodes of the Last of Us and 1923. But then again, it’s not my birthday.

So to round out the happy days of celebrating 30, we’re celebrating something else:

Kaylee is pregnant! If you know us personally, you probably also know that we have been trying for a pregnancy for almost three years and have come as far as regular appointments with a fertility clinic and introducing medication. I don’t know if it was the medication, or timing, or effort, or a combination, but it worked! It’s still a little early on (right around 8-9 weeks) but I feel ok posting this because the only regular reader seems to be my mom, which I’m ok with. So this is for you mom! I wanted a cute way to tell you and thought it would be fun to reveal the news in one of these blog posts. I love you and am excited to give you another grand baby!

So Kaylee and I are both 30 now and having a kid. I know 30 feels big for most people, and some seem to struggle with feelings of getting older and saying goodbye to their 20s and perception of youth. Well speaking for myself, I can’t wait to keep trucking into my 30s because life is only getting better! So here’s to middle age and being parents. I couldn’t be more excited to share this experience with anyone than my lovely adoring wife. I love you Kaylee. Happy birthday and let’s have a baby!