Life Update

Well here we are again after another long absence. While we haven’t been particularly present online, we have been more than busy out here in the real world. Since last update, we’ve had birthdays, sold and bought a new camper, taken a baby-moon, and most significantly continued preparing ourselves for the coming of our baby girl.

I suppose I’ll start by saying this year has put some things in perspective for me, one of those being this website and commercial photography. If you follow us or are a returning visitor, I’m sure you’ve noticed my lack of engagement here. You may have also noticed we’ve tapered off on taking photography gigs. The course of life has taken us its own way and working as photographers hasn’t really run parallel with those particular directions. Kaylee’s work has thrown her some unexpected surprises this year. And for me, I work a job I enjoy that pays the bills plus some. This has led us to a point with our photography where we have not only stopped seeking out new work, but have actually turned away work this year. With the coming of our first child, we haven’t felt as inclined to work outside our normal hours and rather to use the time to prepare ourselves and savor these last few months as pre-parents.

That being said, everything else is still pretty normal. Yes, we’ve had to change a few things in our day-to-day to accommodate the upcoming events, but for the most part summer has been pretty normal. We’ve had lake days, gone to and hosted a couple of parties, taken a wonderful baby-moon/birthday/anniversary trip, and all the other typical things. Suffice it to say, it’s been a great summer to end the last of our pre-parenting years.

Minor complications with the pregnancy have brought us to an early induction. Three weeks early, in fact, and that date is quickly approaching. Just a few more days and we’ll be walking into the hospital to emerge with our lives changed forever. It’s been a long road to this point and I’m still not sure the gravity of everything has set in yet. Kaylee and I are both chronic over-thinkers. Sometimes I don't know if I put too much weight on things or not enough. I never really know until those events unfold and I’m able to look back and reflect on them. This is perhaps the single greatest event of my life and I truly don’t know how it will unfold or how I will feel looking back upon it. All I can say is I am beyond excited to meet my daughter, and have never been prouder of anything than I am of my wife.

As the years pass by, I’m becoming more and more of a sentimental sort of guy. I’m realizing that time goes by all too fast and that moments need savored. With that, here’s a look back at this summer. I know looking back it’ll be one for the books.