October Is Coming...

Here in Kitsap, I think it’s safe to say Summer is officially OVER. It’s averaging at least a passing rain shower a day, and I’ve got a blanket on my lap. It doesn’t help that Goodwill has already started putting out the Halloween stuff, either… Anyhow, as I mourn the loss of Summer, I’m looking forward to Fall with arms wide open. Endless coffee, colored leaves, crisp days, costumes galore, camping trips, and chilling with friends and family—these are just a few of the reasons I love this season.

Discovery of Spider Lake

Discovery of Spider Lake

Rolling into the end of September, I’m super stoked for the next few weeks. This weekend I’ve got a super wonderful date planned, first hitting up the Finn River Cidery and backing that up with an afternoon at Soak on the Sound. Next weekend Kaylee and I are taking a trip to Cape Disappointment for her cousin’s birthday, and might try some stealth camping for the first time around Astoria. Besides these trips, we’re also planning a trip back to Sol Duc Hot Springs next month, we’ve got two concerts booked, and I’ve got a pumpkin patch event shoot lined up as well. I’m about to be one busy dude for the next six weeks! But I love it. Life’s about sharing good experiences, and I’m gonna live the hell out of October.

I’m going to try to stay up to date on here with the goings-on this Fall. I know I’ve got a lot of things planned and it’s going to be difficult to stay consistent with posts and updates, but I’ll do my best! Thank you all for sticking with me and showing support. If you have any questions about my trips, plans, or any of the places I go, feel free to leave a comment or send me a message! I would be happy to answer and chat.

Happy Fall, everyone! Cheers.

Trips to the ole Gooey Duck

Trips to the ole Gooey Duck