Our Year

2020 was a hell of a year. There were a lot of ups, and a lot more downs. Now we find ourselves in 2021. Just looking at the numbers two-zero-two-one make me feel a certain way. It’s new. It gives hope of better things. It signifies the passing of time, and although bitter-sweet, I have found new energy in a new year. And for some reason it looks all futuristic, like it would be the title of some bad ‘80s Robocop type-movie. I’m cool with that.

I’ve got a couple goals for this year. At the top of my list is improving my financial health. I’m going to pay off my truck and Kaylee’s sparkly new ring. To start, I’ve got zero regrets toward either purchase. In fact they’re probably the two most worthy things I’ve ever borrowed money for. Now I just can’t stand these stupid friggin payments, so I’m gonna do what I’ve got to do to make them go away. Aside from that, I refuse to go into real wedding planning in debt. I refuse to start a marriage in financial stress. I refuse to be a financially unhealthy man for my wife.

Physical health is next on the list. I turn 29 this year and I’m taking my health more seriously. Not only am I starting to realize I’m not 22 anymore and I can’t just eat and drink anything, but I’m thinking about my future role in my family. Every once in a while, Kaylee and I pay respects to the cemeteries we stumble across. The last one we went through at Lake Quinault made me realize a few things. Mainly that old age is a not a guarantee. Just to make it to old age (what I think of as 60+) is a blessing. I was startled at how many men died between 35 and 50. I see myself from 35-50 basically in dad-mode. Even now I can’t stomach the thought of dying and leaving my kids fatherless. I know I have no idea how those men passed, and I know any given day could be my last. The thought of leaving this world early because I neglected my health, however, is unacceptable. I refuse to put my family through unnecessary pain because I didn’t take my health seriously. Huh-uh. No way. So here I am at the beginning. 1. Good diet. 2. More exercise.

The rest of my goals are more miscellaneous, but still important. I won’t ramble on and bore you with the rest of the minutiae. Just know that I’m super stoked for this year. Hopefully this whole COVID bull trash calms down so we can experience some of the “old normal” and move on to bigger and better things. I know I said it last year too, but I think this is going to be a big year for me. *Fingers crossed.