January Wrap-Up

Peace out January! The first month of 2021 is off to a good start. 2020 is further in the rearview every day and I’m looking forward to the horizon.

Although I’ve worked overtime throughout two of the first five weekends of the year, I’ve made the most of my time inside and out of working hours. My working weekends are all toward bigger goals which I’ve either shared already, or will be sharing in the coming months as I approach accomplishing the first set. I will say I’m off to a great start, and I’m super stoked on my progress.

The natural cooler doing wonders.

The natural cooler doing wonders.

Moving along to the fun stuff. The “not work-related” stuff that I live for. I managed to escape to the mountains on a Sunday I was supposed to work and ended up being called off from. Yes, I ended that sentence with a preposition… shoot me. The point is, I got lucky and my coworker/buddies and I headed last-minute to the southern Olympics to chase the snow and do some minor wheelin’. We made it about as far as any of our vehicles were capable of and set up day camp and a fire. I made sloppy Joes for us all and we had a good mix of chips, dips, and tasty sips. My choice of the day was some Schilling hard cider. Although it wasn’t actively snowing, and more truthfully raining the whole time, we had a fun time shooting the shit eating Joes. When we were properly wet and full-bellied, we headed back home to get ready for work all over again. It was a good trip, guys. Let’s do it again sometime. #BCC

As for the highlight of the month, it had to be our mid-January camping trip to Kitsap Memorial. Kaylee and I have stayed here before and noted its potential for being a great wedding venue. Well, now that we’re actually engaged, we decided to go back on a more active scouting mission. With our friends Kevin and Rachel, we drank, ate and… talked about me and Kaylee getting married. After such a cool, fresh-aired night in the tent with the lady and the dog, we all walked around and scoped out the property for the upcoming event. The more we walked around, the more confident we felt in it being the choice for our venue. As if it weren’t a good enough weekend already, we topped it off by hunting down the food truck we were considering hiring for the wedding as well. We barely caught it before they closed for the day, but caught it we did. After our sample plate, we were hooked. We only got to try one dish and two sides, but that was all it took. Look at us hitting the ground running!

Could it be here?

Could it be here?

There were other notable happenings this month including Gus’s first snow day, Kaylee buying her WEDDING dress (say what?!), family members in and out of the hospital, new jobs and job announcements, etc. All in all, 2021 is off to a good start despite continuing through our COVID era and ups and downs of everyday life. I’m stoked to keep moving forward on the path of this year, and excited to keep sharing what I’ve got going on. Thanks again for coming by and catching up! Until next time, take ‘er easy friends.