Our October Wedding!

Our Fall Wedding Recap:

2022 has been a hell of a year. As we’re nearing its end, I’m due for a bit of reflection. I got two promotions by the end of February and am now a training supervisor, mainly riding a desk, but still maintaining a good bit of hands-on work. Ideal for moving forward and developing new skills, but also great for me because I still love working with my hands. Kaylee is branching out into some really cool entrepreneurial work in addition to her mortgage career. And oh yeah, and we also had our big family wedding. Arguably very stressful life changes and events have made this year quite memorable, but here we are rolling on as always.

The big event this year was by far the wedding. I contributed some, but the vast majority of the credit for pulling off that one goes to Kaylee. It was beautiful and went without a hitch. After months of planning and scheming, we quickly realized it would be a four-day ordeal. Day one: pick up U-haul and pack up all gear, then drive it and the truck camper to camp at the campground the night before the wedding. Day two: get married, don’t get too drunk, pack up by dusk, and hope no major drama occurs. Day three: bring everything home and try to decompress. Day four: unpack everything into some empty corner of the house/garage and return the U-haul. Ugh. Hectic as all hell, but successful. Luckily for us, my dad and stepmom were staying with us through the wedding weekend, all the way until we got back from our honeymoon to house sit for us. They really saved the day in a lot of ways just by being an extra set of hands and good attitudes to help us out. Thank you Dad and Penny <3.

A few short work days after the wedding weekend, and we were on our way to Cabo for the honeymoon. This was a major headache in its own right. The day before the wedding, Kaylee received an email from the resort we had reserved in the Dominican Republic informing us that due to Hurricane Fiona, they would be shut down until February of ‘23 for repairs. What?! Kaylee snapped to in her usual fashion and rebooked an all-inclusive trip to Cabo within about two hours of receiving that email. What a lady! Could I have it any easier? Anyway, we fly to Cabo and leave the airport to be greeted by a bar in the pickup area outside the airport. Quite the warm welcome, and a hell of a way to start off the trip. Throughout the honeymoon, we had many a good meal and relaxing day on the beach and in the pool. We journeyed into town from the resort only once, but it was a damn fine day. We chartered a boat tour around the southern tip of the Baja peninsula, where the Sea of Cortez turns into the Pacific Ocean, then were dropped off for a guided snorkeling tour. Once picked up and back in town, we wandered around the marina and were hassled by countless vendors selling necklaces, hats, cocaine and marijuana. We bought no hats or necklaces that day… but in all seriousness, if you ever go down there, just keep walking and politely say no. We ended the trip the way all trips end. Pack up, check out, make our way to the airport and say goodbye to the next eight hours of our life until we get home.

And now here we are in early November settling in for winter. This year in the PNW, there was literally no fall season. The weekend after we got back from the honeymoon in mid-October hit almost 90 degrees. Now it’s November 6th, and temps are about to start dropping into the 20s. What a shame, considering fall is our favorite season. That’s kind of the whole point we chose October 1st for our wedding date. Oh well. The world sure has a way of doing its own thing without caring for what your plans are.

And with that in mind, onward we go into the dreary part of the year as we try to make the most of the situation. This will surely be a season of quiet grinding to be productive and progress our goals. Recovering from the financial burden of having a wedding and honeymoon in the midst of the holiday season will prove to be a challenge, as all holiday seasons seem financially challenging. As a shameless transition from that last statement, I am focusing some more time into our online shop here on the website. All designs are original and I can also do commission-based work if you would like a personalized design for any products we offer. Check out the store and support our cause if you like what you see! As always, thanks for reading and check back for more content. Keep on truckin’!